
EPS 146/247: Ocean Ridges and the Earth System





Course will present our current knowledge of the ocean ridge system where two thirds of Earth's crust is continually being created. We will examine the progressive understanding of ocean ridges from a historical perspective, emphasizing the process of scientific discovery. Topics include melt generation in the mantle, magmatic processes in the crust, formation of ocean ridge topography, faulting and tectonics, hydrothermal systems, manifestations in the overlying water column, and the unique ecosystems associated with vents. Approaches must be inherently interdisciplinary, including...

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SPU-14: How to Build a Habitable Planet





The story of Earth from the inception of the universe at the Big Bang to the revolution in planetary function and capability associated with the rise of human civilization. The aim of the course is to place human beings in a universal and planetary context, and to see the steps in planetary evolution as an essential perspective on how we relate to Earth today. Topics covered include the Big Bang, origin of the elements, formation of minerals, origin of the solar system, formation of planets, climate regulation, origin of life, co-evolution of ocean, atmosphere,...

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EPS 145/245 Introduction to Igneous Petrology and Petrogenesis





How igneous rocks form and reveal the processes and fluxes involved in the circulation of the solid Earth. The course begins with the essential elements of igneous petrology, rock description and nomenclature, mineralogy, phase diagrams, processes of melting and crystallization, trace elements. We then consider the formation of igneous rocks at modern igneous settings, spreading centers, convergent margins and ocean islands. We conclude with investigations of igneous phenomenon of the past, such as large igneous flood basalt provinces, anorthosites, komatites and...

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